ABA Families

Is ABA therapy an excused absence from school?

Yes! In Texas ABA therapy is treated as an excused absence from school, like a doctor’s appointment. State officials have recognized the fact that ABA therapy is a necessary and effective treatment for children with autism and other behavioral and developmental concerns. As a result, they’ve created laws that require public schools in their states excuse students to attend ABA therapy sessions during school hours.


Below is a summary of the laws in Texas regarding this matter. 

Texas Law

The Texas Education Code (TEC) §25.087(b)(2) states a student may be excused for a temporary absence to receive generally recognized services for persons with autism spectrum disorder, including ABA therapy. The only condition is the student must start or end their day at school.


How ABA Therapy Benefits School-Aged Kids

Here at LifeWorks, some of our clients split their time when school’s in session – mornings with their ABA therapy team and afternoons in the classroom or vice versa. Working in partnership with schools and teachers, we make sure children get the best of both worlds.

To be successful in school, children need to learn and practice foundational classroom environment skills, and  social skills that will help them relate to their peers and develop friendships. We use fun group activities that provide learning opportunities to kids in a low-pressure environment that also builds their confidence. We model certain aspects of the classroom and build the skills necessary to be successful in the classroom with less direct support.


All of our ABA therapy services are highly individualized and focused on each child’s unique goals. Having a 1:1 direct therapist during ABA, truly allows for specialized attention on building your child's skills and decreasing challenging behaviors!